Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why are people so surprised by President Obama’s leftist agenda?

Former President Bill Clinton—can’t stand the guy. He’s the Hillbilly from Hope…Arkansas. He came from nothing to rise to the greatest office in the world. Although he is so personally flawed, he never went out of his way to hurt my country.

He tried to take over 1/7th of our economy with HillaryCare like a man. He stood out front and yammered day and night about reforming health care in America because he felt our pain. He gave details and passionately argued his case. He was a true believer and proud of it. After long months of battle, he lost. He also lost Congress to the Republicans in 1994.

President Clinton learned more from his losses than his victories. Following the loss to the Republicans “Contract with America”, he decided to work for all Americans by moving to the middle. He was now more “Slick Willy” than ever. Instead of getting in the way of American prosperity, he rode the wave for another term. Had Monica not kept the dress, who knows what his legacy might have been. Even after his impeachment , he was bulletproof. I may not like him but I daresay that Clinton was to Politics as Einstein was to Science.

Now Obama is a horse of a different color. He’s never really had to taste defeat. He became an Illinois state senator by having his opponents kicked off the ballot due to technicalities. He won his race for US Senator because his Republican opponent, Jack Ryan, was going through a bitter divorce from actress Seven-of-Nine who accused Ryan of bizarre sexual behaviors. The media frenzy was so overwhelming, Ryan dropped out of the race only to be replaced by carpetbagging crazyman, Alan Keyes.

When Obama was suddenly down in the polls after John McCain picked Sarah Palin for VP, what happened? Wall Street’s house of cards began to collapse. Washington bails out the big banks and the public blamed the Republicans.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised HOPE and CHANGE and UNITY. He promised to TRANSFORM America. Let’s not forget YES WE CAN. He never had to explain what he was going to do. So many people who voted for him had no idea what he meant. Most of them didn’t bother to ask what these words even mean. HOPE and CHANGE are just words that make you feel good. HOPE for what? CHANGE what? So is UNITY. But to have UNITY with the opposition, one side has to acquiesce, be bought off, or crushed. YES WE CAN what?

TRANSFORM: v. to change in form, appearance, structure, or character. With all of our flaws, America was still the best thing that ever happened to planet Earth. No other country has ever produced like America. It was no accident.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect union…it doesn’t say PERFECT UNION. Because America is not perfect, men like Obama will fight to make it so…for him. To TRANSFORM is to destroy the old system and replace with a new one whether or not it works. His whole campaign was about how America was backward and going in the wrong direction. He never gave any details on which direction to go except for HOPE and CHANGE and UNITY. He promised that Washington would run ethically and transparently on his watch. YES WE CAN. He did not.

Under his watch, trillion is the new number to watch out for. A billion means nothing.
$787 billion for a stimulus yet unemployment still rises. Now he wants to annex the American health care system, to TRANSFORM it for who knows how much. Unlike Slick Willy, The Great Obama offers no details, just more HOPE and CHANGE. Obama likes to put other spokesholes out front to explain it to us—also with no details. Just more HOPE and CHANGE! When concerned people confront these spokeholes at town hall meetings, they are call right-wing plants and agitators (similar to what activists were called in the deep south during the civil rights movement).

Senator Jim DeMint (R) of South Carolina says that if Obama fails to push through his health care TRANSFORMATION it will be his Waterloo. I disagree. He will just move on to TRANSFORM the next subject: Tax the rich. Cap and trade. Greedy oil companies. Greedy Wall Street. Evil US military. Racial profiling. Right-wing Tea Parties. The Fairness Doctrine. Villify Israel.

Unlike Bill Clinton, Obama will just go further left and work to TRANSFORM for HOPE and CHANGE and UNITY, today’s equivalent to: TRUST ME, THE CHECK IS IN THE MAIL, and I PROMISE TO PULL OUT…YES WE CAN!

1 comment:

  1. I view Obama and Hugo Chavez in the same light with their populism. The "Hope and Change" and "Yes We Canning" worked in backwards third world countries for years. It's frightening that the same populist b.s. (i.e. tax the rich, wealth redistribution, government takeovers of private industry) that is fed to ignorant poor people in other countries, is now being swallowed up by the American people. I really wish that the country will wake up to what this guy is really about. One thing is for sure though... it will get a lot worse before it gets any better.
