Friday, August 28, 2009

Qaddafi to Qaddafodil to Qaddafi Again

During my teen years (late 70’s) thru my early twenties (early 80’s) it seemed that the Colonel (Qaddafi) was on TV almost as much as the other Colonel (Sanders). Qaddafi was almost always described as a Libyan “Strongman”, “Leader”, or “Colonel”. I asked one of my friends why he was just a colonel. My friend said, “So he could relate better with the average foot-soldier terrorist scumbag.”

Because The Great Ronald Wilson Reagan (my description) was in office, the press bathed Qadaffi in a romantically sympathetic light. NBC’s Saturday Night Live did a commercial called The Qaddafi Look as a spoof of The Jordache Look for Jordache Jeans. There was also a SNL news skit How Do You Spell Qaddafi? with lots of variant spellings. I thought Steven Bauer (the 80’s Josh Hartnett) should portray Qaddafi in a Showtime original movie. After the U.S. intercepted telex messages from Libya’s East Berlin embassy suggesting Libyan involvement in the April 5, 1986 bombing of West Berlin’s La Belle discotheque, The Great Reagan ordered bombings of Tripoli and Benghazi, Libya on Tax Day. How did we miss him? He had the biggest tent!
Had we gotten him perhaps Pan Am Flight 103 would have been spared in 1988.

During the 90’s and early 21st century he kind of disappeared because an even crazier Iraqi got our attention. Then it was Al Qaida and the Taliban. Then it was Saddam, Uday, and Qusay again. After Coalition Forces sent Uday and Qusay to see their 144 virgins and capture Saddam in his rat hole in 2003, Qaddafi announced that Libya had an active weapons of mass destruction program, but was willing to allow international inspectors into Libya to observe and dismantle them. He figured he was next. Better to cover his ass.

Fast forward to August 20, 2009: The Scottish Government releases Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence officer and only man convicted of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 because he has terminal prostate cancer under the banner of “compassion”. He was responsible for the deaths of 270 people. He served eleven days for each one of those deaths. Giving Megrahi drugs for the pain, extra pillows and blankets, or a cable TV with Cinemax in his cell would be plenty compassionate. But to release him was unconscionable. Megrahi returned to a hero’s welcome in his native Libya. President Obama called Megrahi’s release a “mistake”. Way to show outrage, Chief! Besides golf, logarithms, bagpipe music, and Sean Connery, what has Scotland contributed to the free world? The Scots are proof that Western Europe will need to be saved from their own stupidity by Eastern Europe in the years to come.

Now Qaddafi is back in the news again. What’s old is what’s new. Instead of his old military uniform, the Colonel dresses in civilian garb with a fez. He’s coming back to New York for the UN General Assembly in September. His people are trying to find a place for him to stay. He was planning to pitch a tent in the yard of a New Jersey residence owned by the Libyan goverrnment, but the locals got pissed. Wherever he ends up staying, I'm sure the media will have it as its lead story. Perhaps he can show up on SNL and yell, “Live from New York, It’s Saturday Night…!”

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama CIA Comics

I'll be posting an article about how ridiculous and dangerous the investigation into CIA "torture" is in the next few days (God forbid we tell a theorist we will kill his children if an attack in the U.S. happens again). Hopefully this is one more stupid move on Obama's part and one step closer to a 2012 exit. In the mean time enjoy these comics I found:
I like this one the best

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Global Warming (Half Man, Half Bear, Half Pig)

            Al Gore says, “The world faces a true planetary emergency.” He knows what’s going on!  He’s a modern day eco-messiah.  He travels all over the world in a private jet to warn us of global warming.  Why he even won an Oscar! Anyone who wins an Oscar must know what they’re talking about.  Just ask fellow Oscar winner Michael Moore.  If an Oscar isn’t enough to convince you, he was even awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!   
           The headlines seem to confer what Al is saying. In Africa drought continues for the 6th consecutive year. Record rains in parts of the U.S. and Japan cause some of the worst flooding in centuries. New England and Europe have recently experienced the mildest winters in anyone’s recollection.  Climate change is real and it’s all documented in Time Magazine. We have messed up the environment and now we have to pay for it. Scientists have told us that we're heading into a new… ice age?? Huh? Yes, you just read that correctly. TIME MAGAZINE SAYS WE’RE HEADED INTO AN ICE AGE. Check it out for yourself. Pick up the Monday June 24th issue from 1974. It’s the truth. About thirty years ago everyone thought we had messed up the earth with careless emissions of burnt fossil fuels. Today the same fossil emissions that caused global cooling in 1974 are causing global warming in 2009!

            John Coleman was the weatherman for Good Morning America during the 1970’s. He is best known though for being the founder of the Weather Channel and declaring that global warming is a scam.  Yes, the founder of the Weather Channel says that global warming is a scam! What? That can’t be right, after all Super Al is flying all over the place trying to save us from certain catastrophe!  It’s true that the earth is getting hotter.  As a matter of fact, the earth’s solar activity is at an 8,000 year high currently.  When you compare charts with solar activity and temperatures with those of Co2 emissions and temperatures, something really bizarre appears.  Let’s take a look at them below:

            Look at the chart with solar activity and you will see a very tight fit correlation with temperatures and solar activity.  However, when you look at the chart with Co2 emissions you see temperatures dramatically deceasing in times of rapid increasing Co2 emissions.  The Co2 chart looks bonkers compared to the solar activity temperatures.  Ladies and gentlemen, global warming is indeed a scam. THE SOLAR CYCLES ARE IN CONCERT WITH RISING AND FALLING TEMPERATURES. THE BURNING OF FOSSIL FUELS DOESN’T HAVE A THING TO DO WITH IT!
           John Charles is the president of the Cascade Institute. For 17 years he was the executive director of the Oregon Environmental Counsel.  He does not see the reason to demonize carbon.  “Carbon Dioxide is an essential element in the earth’s climate control system, and if we didn’t have it, it would be too cold for humanity to be here.”  What you would guess man’s percentage of total annual Co2 emissions is? 90%? 70%? If that’s what you’re thinking (and I admit before I was enlightened I probably though somewhere around there) you are way way way off.  Per year, the percentage of Co2 emissions from man only accounts for 3% of total Co2 emissions! 97% of all Co2 emissions from around the world come from natural sources. The biggest culprits of Co2 emissions are decaying plants, volcanoes, and forest fires. Humans shouldn’t be protesting other humans.  They should start protesting dying plants and volcanoes.  They are the real earth killers!  Why we should pass a cap and trade tax on volcanoes.  Sorry Hawaii, you’re going to have to invest in volcanic Co2 emissions reducing technology or face some heavy taxes that we will give over to Al Gore in carbon credits.  Super Al to the rescue!

Super Al to the Rescue!

In 2006, public records were legally released detailing Al Gore’s electrical usage.  It turns out Al Gore uses 20x the amount of electricity than an average American uses. Say it aint so Al! L Al Gore, the greatest environmental hero, is an energy hog. In 2006 AL Gore’s 20 room mansion used over 191,000 kilowatts compared to 11,000 kilowatts of the average American home. Every month Al Gore uses more electrify than the average person uses in 17 months. So he’s obviously not as worried as he says we should be. Gore’s people didn’t deny the repost and insisted he was in the process of installing solar panels and that recently he had replaced some of his incandescent bulbs with some florescent ones. What a martyr!! He also buys carbon credits but he owns the company he buys them from. Gore pays himself to make up the damage he’s admitted he does to the environment. Al Gore started the private company in 2004, 2 years before his movie came out. So Al Gore makes money through his company when people buy carbon credits. For environmentalists, the environment is a religion and Al Gore is a prophet. In  exposing Al Gore’s home energy bills we have attacked their prophet. For some of the poorest people on the planet our being green can affect their survival. How? Al Gore and his green followers are trying to pass new regulations in carbon taxes that will end up raising the global cost of fuel. Fuel the world’s poor need to cook or pump water. Fuel to get their goods to market or their kids to school or to a doctor. “When you talk about raising the price of energy to them, you are going to kill people. Just like the environmentally induced ban of DDT resulted in 10’s of millions of death.

The Art of (Healthcare) War

The great military strategist Sun Tzu wrote: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. Our President and those around him need to study Sun Tzu’s The Art of War if they plan on getting any more HOPE and CHANGE legislation passed before they get voted out in 2012.

Sun Tzu wrote: These are the six ways of courting defeat—neglect to estimate the enemy’s strength; want of authority; defective training; unjustifiable anger; nonobservance of discipline; failure to used picked men—all of which must be carefully noted by the general who has attained a responsible post.

The left underestimated how Americans would react to changing the entire healthcare system to satisfy the 10% without health insurance. They want the authority to dictate what kind of healthcare we end up with based on systems that will make our lives worse. The supporters of Obamacare are really the angry ones calling our grassroots opposition Astroturf, right-wing Nazis, KKK, and the mob. The Whitehouse has depended upon the in-the-tank media with a multitude of spokesholes to soothe the American people about multiple House bills and one unwritten Senate bill that are all in competition to stick it to us.

Sun Tzu wrote: When a general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct; when there are no fixed orders assigned to officers and men, and the ranks are formed in a slovenly, haphazard manner, the result is utter disorganization.

In the President’s own words:

Sun Tzu wrote: When the officers are angry and insubordinate, and on meeting the enemy give battle on their own account from a feeling of resentment, before the commander in chief can tell whether or not he is in a position to fight, the result is ruin.

HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius: “What’s important is choice and competition. The public option itself is not the essential element.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "There is no way I can pass a bill in the House of Representatives without a public option," she said to a crowd in California, noting that regional health care co-ops won't get the job done. "If they want to have [co-ops] for their state, perhaps that could be included in the legislation. But it is not a substitute for a public option."

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D) NY: “The President does seem like he's moving away from the public plan, and if he does, he's not going to pass a bill. Because there are just too many people in Washington who believe that the public plan was the only way that you effectively bring some downward pressure on prices, and if he says well we're not going to have that, then I'm not really quite sure what we're doing here.”

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Go see District 9!

When we created this blog we wanted to keep it diverse. So I wanted to post here to tell everyone how awesome District 9 was. District 9 is a late summer must see that is quite entertaining. It is extremely rare for me that I see awesome special effects backed by an intriguing story line (keep trying Michael Bay). I won't bother with the story here, actually I think it's better the less you know. This movie isn't for everybody (people who don't like sci-fi), but it's an original story with kick-a action. It's well written and I look forward to a sequel.

Coke won't send you to hell

So today I was on my lunch break at work enjoying my Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich, when Trace asked me if I was having it with a Coke. Ever since I was a kid Trace would torment me by asking if I wanted a Coke or if I was drinking a Coke.
I guess at some point in time people got the idea that LDS (Latter-Day Saints aka Mormons) can't drink Coke or Pepsi or other caffeinated beverages. I would like to dispel this myth. No where in Mormon doctrine does is state that Coke, Pepsi, or any other caffeinated soft drink is prohibited. Now with that clear, there are a lot of LDS who refrain from drinking caffeinated soft drinks, This is a personal/cultural decision, not one based on doctrine. Next time you try to send your favorite Mormon to hell by offering him or her a Coke, try again.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Dream Cabinet for a Hope & Changing America

With the Federal government growing larger by the day, it makes some of us like America is a fat guy eating his way to an early death. Before long the fat guy becomes super morbidly obese and bedridden. Now he’s a 1200 lb. lump of flesh on a California King with family members bringing him food, drink, batteries for the remote, and Febreeze.

While we in the opposition are currently unable to stop the growth, we can voice our opinions and have a laugh at the same time. I’ve compiled a cabinet of real and imaginary characters that would make the rest of President Obama’s one (we pray) term in office a lot more fun…for us.

Now here is a guy with some balls. He may have a bad ‘70’s coiffe and a mustache that looks like he’s always eating a small rodent, but Bolton tells it like it is. As a former ambassador to the UN, he was a more than a thorn in the side of the quiche eating terrorist appeasers who cried “FOUL” every time he spoke. Bolton will go into any hostile land, sit down at the table and say, “Get me a ham and cheese sandwich on white, Fritos, and a cold beer—any brand…as long as it’s American!”

As host of Kudlow and Company, Larry talks bulls and bears all day long. Although he knows all the finance lingo multi speak, he responds to us ordinary folks in plain English. Imagine plain English spoken at the Treasury Dept. If Larry had to testify in front of Congress, he’d make them all look like babbling fools and we’d be cheering all the way.

For a general, he looks like a really nice guy. If General Petraeus wasn’t in uniform he seems like the go to guy in your local chamber of commerce. Fortunately for us, he’s got
approximately 1.5 million in the armed forces who can mobilize anywhere in the world and ruin the rest of your “Supreme Leader” days.

This man should have been the first Latino on the Supreme Court. Estrada came to the US from Honduras when he was seventeen. He eventually graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. For twenty-eight months, he was denied an up or down vote for his nomination by Democrats to the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit. Estrada eventually withdrew his name from further consideration. Republicans owe him.

Just imagine Edgar Rice Burroughs’ hero, Tarzan, running the Interior Dept. Now imagine the cast and crew of MTV’s Jackass as his staff. That would be the most exciting federal agency, conserving America’s lands and waterways while jumping over them in a rocket-powered shopping cart. Manny wrestles alligators in the Everglades. He swims with hammerhead sharks in the open ocean armed with only a mask and snorkel. He would hardly be your typical Washington DC hack.

The star of aka.Pablo and A Million to Juan, and father of professional skateboarder, Paul “P-Rod” Rodriguez, Jr., Paul Rodriguez is my pick for Secretary of Agriculture. Even though he has spent many years in the entertainment bubble, he’s also the chairman of the California Latino Water Coalition, a group desperately trying to get the federal government to release water to California’s San Joaquin Valley (formerly known as the breadbasket of the world). The water is being held back because of the feds perceive the tiny delta smelt as an endangered species. Delta smelt are the size of your middle finger! And that’s what the feds are giving to the farmers. Perhaps with Manny Puig’s help form the Interior Dept., Rodriguez can get the water turned back on.

He’s a six foot six inch, 290 pound Texan. This former professional wrestler could grab some of those cubicle monkeys at the Commerce Dept. and powerslam them into shape. As a regular on Fox News Channel’s Bulls & Bears, He’s not afraid to talk about business from a conservative viewpoint. Did I mention Layfield is from Texas? That’s all you really need to know….

This guy can get large, sweaty men to oil their shaved bodies, wear tights that barely hide their packages, and “wrestle” in the WWE. Vince McMahon sitting across the table from UAW President, Ron Gettlefinger would be a sight to see. Just as the negotiations get heated, a few undersecretaries rush in and body slam Gettlefinger and the rest of his UAW spokesholes onto the floor. It would all be captured in HD and available at a retailer near you..

Showtime’s Nurse Jackie played by Edie Falco is a pain-killer addicted adulteress control freak. She does whatever she can for her patients, unless they are young with no brain activity. Jackie sends them away to get their organs harvested even if they aren’t donors. But look at all the other lives she saves. Although personally flawed, she’s one hell of a nurse…and mom.

The Donald in charge of HUD? The man has developed hotels and casinos in New York, Chicago, Atlantic City, and Las Vegas. I say let him take his concepts to all of the urban areas in the country. One stipulation would be that he gets signage in every project. The familiar TRUMP sign on every house lit up in bright red neon. Instead of HUD homes, they’d be called TRUMP homes. We would then rename the department TRUMP:
Truly Resplendent Urban Municipal Properties.

Ray LaHood is the real guy in charge of USDOT. He assumed office on January 22, 2009. He’s a Republican. So what? After watching him defend the Cash for Clunkers Program on various news shows, I was convinced he was the right useful idiot for the current administration. What’s up with those eyebrows?

He’s been getting his ass kicked by Spider-man and Daredevil since the ‘60’s. Being such a wimpy supervillain perhaps he would be better at being a political appointee.
His costume says it all—no oil or coal interests here—and he already wears green.

Unless you suffer from coulrophobia (the abnormal fear of clowns), Ronald McDonald could always put a smile on your face while hocking cheeseburgers for one of the greatest American enterprises ever. I would rather close the Dept. of Education and turn the buildings into retail stores. But since it will still be with us, Ronald could hire the Grimace, Mayor McCheese, and the Hamburglar as undersecrataries—these characters could do a better job than the clowns that are already in charge. Besides, the kids would love the Happy Meals.

“The Gunny” loves America and its veterans. This Marine served 14 months in Viet Nam so he knows what veterans have gone through. My dad served in Viet Nam about the same time. I bet he would have liked Sgt. Ermey. His performances in The Boys in Company C and Full Metal Jacket were OUTSTANDING! Now you can see him on the History Channel’s Lock n’ Load where he gets to fire all types guns large and small.

This Warner Brothers icon has been keeping his sheep safe from Ralph the Wolf for decades. Now put him in charge of our borders. Whether it’s Jose the day laborer, Francois the student, or Hamza the bomb maker, Sam would catch them all, lay the smack down, and clock out on time. Sheepdogs hate O.T.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Simple Idea to Reform Healthcare in America

No doubt having to insure just about everything in life sucks. It’s like death and taxes—everyone has to deal with it at some time. Or do they? Think about it. Think about the last time you were excited about paying for something you had to have:

Electricity. Water. Gasoline. Homeowners dues. Orthodontia for the kids. Telephone. Cable. Gardener. Dental work. Cleaning supplies. Car repairs. Insurance.

Now think about the last time you paid for something you wanted:

Big-Screen HDTV. Vacation. New car. New Furniture. New clothes. A night out on the town. Remodeling. Playstation 3. Gifts for special people in your life. Alcohol.

We all like paying for the things we want more than the things we need. How many people out there who claim that they can’t afford insurance coverage spend for things they want before they spend for the things they need? I’ve spoken to so many people whine about how much everything costs, but still have the latest car, cell phone, computer, credit card, etc.

How many of those people have already participated in the Cash for Clunkers Program. They couldn’t afford health insurance but somehow found the money for a new car. With that new car you need to get car insurance and maybe even a five-year warranty. Protecting the car is important. But I forgot. Driving a car is a privilege. Having health insurance is a right (according to some who’ve never read the U.S. Constitution).

A great many people justify their spending habits based on ME WANT NOW NOT LATER and claim it as a need. When gas went up to $4.65 a gallon, a few of my friends traded in their SUVs for hybrids. They were “saving” on gas. Beside, the SUVs were purchased almost four years ago. As soon as gas dropped to $2.50 a gallon, the Prius was traded in for the Dodge Charger Hemi or Ford Flex. They got “a good deal” so they couldn’t pass it up.

Even those of us who pay for health insurance really don’t care about how much health care costs. We just pay our premiums and co-pays. Who cares if the latest doctor’s visit cost the insurance company $787.00? It only cost us $15.00. Who cares if that prescription costs them $225.00? Our co-pay is only $10.00. Oh yeah, we get medical, dental, and eye benefits through our employer. Who cares about the 11% fringe costs added to our salaries? The company pays for it. We still have to pay about $200.00 a month which they take out before we even get our checks so we don’t miss it. We should get checked out at least once a month to get our money’s worth. With our families, we can multiply that number by three or four. Whenever a third party pays the bills, the cost of business goes way up. I’m sure you all paid attention to how much everything cost when you were growing up…while your parents paid for everything.

If your doctor has to give you battery of tests so he can cover his ass in case you want to sue him for malpractice in the future, who cares? You’ve already met the deductible. Who cares how much his malpractice insurance costs? He would just be wasting the extra dough on Chinos and a new set of Pings. Who cares if HMOs only pay so much per procedure? It comes out of his end. He’ll just have to see more patients in less time.
Quit being so lazy, Dr. Slacker!

So how can we HOPE to CHANGE the insurance industry? Tort reform. What kind of tort reform? LOSER PAYS. If the loser of a lawsuit had to pay for all expenses incurred on both sides, frivolous lawsuits would disappear overnight. Right now the scumbags who file these types of lawsuits don’t have a vested interest in limiting them because so many third parties get sucked in. It’s so much easier to settle than fight. Even if you win, you’re out lots of cash to your attorneys. It could cost you more to fight than settle. Imagine winning a case and forwarding your legal bills to your opponent and they actually pay. Imagine only cases that had merit. “Imagine all the people sharing all the world….”—J Lennon.

Unfortunately, because we have more lawyers than rats in this country, that isn’t going to happen anytime soon. The trial lawyers lobby is very good at influencing the right people. With them are the unions, “educators”, and community organizers which will make the battle ahead very tough.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obama's Hammer and Sickle

Obama Unveils New Soviet Symbol To Be Used

Obama Commisions New Emblem to be Stamped on Projects Funded by Stimulus Bill

If the symbolism of the Soviets was enough to nauseate you – then prepare to vomit.

Obama has unveiled new symbols that will be ’stamped’ on all projects funded with his giant Marxist Pork bill.

The imagery is disturbing if you consider that this new symbol – representing a U.S. government program – is maroon, white , blue and green.

A field of blue with white stars represents the upper 1/2- symbolizing the dominance of government over both agriculture and industry.

Instead of using an obvious hammer and sickle to represent the Soviet worldview of his giant stimulus to Marxism, the idiots in the Obama Administration use a plant symbol on field of green and gears that do not align at all, on a maroon field.

At least the Soviets’ symbol of a hammer for industry and a sickle for agriculture were interlocking. Obviously Obama does not intend for the gears to work at all given what we see in the new symbol he will stamp everything that is funded with your money and mine with.

What is this narcissist’s obsession with making and changing government symbols to fit himself?

Why are people so surprised by President Obama’s leftist agenda?

Former President Bill Clinton—can’t stand the guy. He’s the Hillbilly from Hope…Arkansas. He came from nothing to rise to the greatest office in the world. Although he is so personally flawed, he never went out of his way to hurt my country.

He tried to take over 1/7th of our economy with HillaryCare like a man. He stood out front and yammered day and night about reforming health care in America because he felt our pain. He gave details and passionately argued his case. He was a true believer and proud of it. After long months of battle, he lost. He also lost Congress to the Republicans in 1994.

President Clinton learned more from his losses than his victories. Following the loss to the Republicans “Contract with America”, he decided to work for all Americans by moving to the middle. He was now more “Slick Willy” than ever. Instead of getting in the way of American prosperity, he rode the wave for another term. Had Monica not kept the dress, who knows what his legacy might have been. Even after his impeachment , he was bulletproof. I may not like him but I daresay that Clinton was to Politics as Einstein was to Science.

Now Obama is a horse of a different color. He’s never really had to taste defeat. He became an Illinois state senator by having his opponents kicked off the ballot due to technicalities. He won his race for US Senator because his Republican opponent, Jack Ryan, was going through a bitter divorce from actress Seven-of-Nine who accused Ryan of bizarre sexual behaviors. The media frenzy was so overwhelming, Ryan dropped out of the race only to be replaced by carpetbagging crazyman, Alan Keyes.

When Obama was suddenly down in the polls after John McCain picked Sarah Palin for VP, what happened? Wall Street’s house of cards began to collapse. Washington bails out the big banks and the public blamed the Republicans.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised HOPE and CHANGE and UNITY. He promised to TRANSFORM America. Let’s not forget YES WE CAN. He never had to explain what he was going to do. So many people who voted for him had no idea what he meant. Most of them didn’t bother to ask what these words even mean. HOPE and CHANGE are just words that make you feel good. HOPE for what? CHANGE what? So is UNITY. But to have UNITY with the opposition, one side has to acquiesce, be bought off, or crushed. YES WE CAN what?

TRANSFORM: v. to change in form, appearance, structure, or character. With all of our flaws, America was still the best thing that ever happened to planet Earth. No other country has ever produced like America. It was no accident.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect union…it doesn’t say PERFECT UNION. Because America is not perfect, men like Obama will fight to make it so…for him. To TRANSFORM is to destroy the old system and replace with a new one whether or not it works. His whole campaign was about how America was backward and going in the wrong direction. He never gave any details on which direction to go except for HOPE and CHANGE and UNITY. He promised that Washington would run ethically and transparently on his watch. YES WE CAN. He did not.

Under his watch, trillion is the new number to watch out for. A billion means nothing.
$787 billion for a stimulus yet unemployment still rises. Now he wants to annex the American health care system, to TRANSFORM it for who knows how much. Unlike Slick Willy, The Great Obama offers no details, just more HOPE and CHANGE. Obama likes to put other spokesholes out front to explain it to us—also with no details. Just more HOPE and CHANGE! When concerned people confront these spokeholes at town hall meetings, they are call right-wing plants and agitators (similar to what activists were called in the deep south during the civil rights movement).

Senator Jim DeMint (R) of South Carolina says that if Obama fails to push through his health care TRANSFORMATION it will be his Waterloo. I disagree. He will just move on to TRANSFORM the next subject: Tax the rich. Cap and trade. Greedy oil companies. Greedy Wall Street. Evil US military. Racial profiling. Right-wing Tea Parties. The Fairness Doctrine. Villify Israel.

Unlike Bill Clinton, Obama will just go further left and work to TRANSFORM for HOPE and CHANGE and UNITY, today’s equivalent to: TRUST ME, THE CHECK IS IN THE MAIL, and I PROMISE TO PULL OUT…YES WE CAN!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Obama Joker Posters

Posters Spotted Portraying Obama as 'The Joker'

A slew of posters have been spotted throughout Los Angeles that portray Obama as "The Joker" from "The Dark Knight," with the word "socialism" printed in black above and below his face.

Monday, August 03, 2009

President Obama's been called a lot of things -- but this is probably the first time any campaign has tried to peg him as flat-out creepy.

A slew of posters have been spotted throughout Los Angeles that portray Obama as "The Joker" from "The Dark Knight," with the word "socialism" printed in black above and below his face.

The posters show the president decked out in the kind of unnerving makeup Heath Ledger used in the latest Batman. Obama's face is painted white, his eyes have dark circles around them and two red scars curl up from the corner of his mouth

It's unclear who is producing and distributing the sinister posters. They come as Democrats and Republicans continue to battle over health care reform -- which some critics warn will lead to a government takeover of health care.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


With the overly succesful Car Allowance Rebate System better known as Cash for Clunkers, wouldn't it be nice to be able to get cars that would honor his highness with cars in his name? Although these cars don't exist (yet), I've come up with models that would pay homage to HOPE and CHANGE:

In honor of GM's de facto CEO, GM presents the solar-powered 2010 Cadillac Barack SOL. Although offered nationwide, the Barack SOL is most popular CA, NV, AZ, NM, FL, and Austin, TX. Its proportions are similar to the Smart Passion, adorably cute. The persons that find this car so appealing are zoftig, single women who find the real Barack so handsome and intelligent. Some of the drawbacks to driving the Barack SOL: 1) Lack of power. It goes from 0-60 in, well never. It has a top speed of 44 mph. 2) It only runs in sunlight which is ok when you have no place to go at night, anyway. If you get stuck somewhere without the sun, like summertime in San Francisco after 2 p.m., you will be SOL.

Not be outdone, Chrysler presents the 2010 Hussein TARP (T&A Repelled Permanently). It is a wind/plug-in hybrid that runs as silent as the President's mainsteam media critics. Analysts have nicknamed it "the propeller hat". Without any wind, this little wonder can travel up to 65 mph for about 30 minutes. With additional wind power: 34 minutes. The Hussein TARP is popular in Chicago, IL, Washington, DC, and cities with large politician/government employee per capita ratios where the wind can blow quite hard. The typical buyer of the Hussein TARP is an over 30, sensitive white male who wants to show the world he cares about the environment more than his own needs.

Now Ford did not receive a bailout. But they, too, must compete for green. Instead of the costly build of a new car from scratch, Ford presents the 2010 Fusion Hybrid MRO (Multiple Recyclable Operations). Besides, gasoline, the Fusion Hybrid MRO can run on recycled oil from restaurants which make the exhaust smell like french fries. It can also be powered by manure (primarily from cows) but horse, pig, and bat also work with reduced power output and your exhaust smells like shit. Since it's behind you, who cares?

The Fusion Hybrid MRO has stying changes from the standard Fusion. It has an all-new, front grill and bumper. The trunk has been doubled in size to carry all of your essentials but this enhacement adds a bit of oversteer to everyday driving. The interior has been redesigned by J.Crew. The person for this car is the person who wants to change the world even if nothing is wrong. When others see you in this car, that can't help but tell you how smart, elegant, and wonderful you are....

Fortunately, this is all just a dream (for now).