Monday, October 5, 2009

America is Burning

The unemployment rate hovers at about 9.8 per cent. Home foreclosures are still on the rise. Personal bankruptcies are still on the rise. Heath care “reform” battles take place every single day on television.

General Stanley McChrystal, America’s top general in Afghanistan, is asking for more troops to better fight the Taliban. Iran tests both short and long range missiles capable of hitting Israel, the Arab world, and Europe. America decides to pull missiles for defense out of Poland and the Czech Republic to concentrate on the Aegis System, which was state-of-the-art when I was in high school. All these challenges confronting America and what does the President do? An Olympic run to Copenhagen!

American ideals are burning down all around us (literally in my area of Southern California) and the President and First Lady fly to Copenhagen on Air Force One to persuade the International Olympic Committee to give the 2016 Summer Games to their beloved city of Chicago. First, the First Lady gives a laughable speech about herself and her late father. There were a lot of “I” and “he” statements but not much about what CHICAGO would bring to the table. Then the President spoke and it just got worse. It was a mixture of “I Have a Dream”, “We Are the World”, and “I was in Chicago on election night last November when America chose me, an historic event if you recall…” Again, not much about what CHICAGO would do for the Olympics. Chicago was eliminated in the first round of voting.

As Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer puts it, “It seems to me that a lot of the Obama Presidency is a contest between his intelligence and his arrogance…” Our President couldn’t convince the IOC to grant us the Olympics and he thinks he can convince Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program? Well...yeah!

The worst thing that happened to the Obama’s Administration was rushing through and passing the stimulus bill. We all got to see the President’s arrogance in action. Very few of us were familiar with Chicago-Styled politics but we now can see it on a national scale. It was supposed to save or create jobs and keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent. Somehow we got to 9.8. Good thing those earmarks were in it.

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, he made all kinds of promises that constituted HOPE and CHANGE:

Transparency in government
More troops to Afghanistan (the real war of necessity)
Close Guantanamo
End the war in Iraq (the war of choice)
Repeal “Don’t’ Ask, Don’t Tell”

Now the President’s job approval rating is at 49 percent and dropping. Could it be that he might be taking America in the wrong direction? Nah…we’re just idiots.

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