Thursday, November 5, 2009
Zero for Thirty-One
Last Tuesday, 11/3/09, the voters of Maine voted YES ON QUESTION 1 which voted down same-sex marriage. It was the 31st time in a row that state voters would ban same-sex marriage through a state referendum. After 31 straight defeats, perhaps the gay-rights activists would take a hint. I don't have a problem with gays wanting to be recognized. They claim that they they want equality. My problem is them changing the meaning of marriage:
noun 1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
Gay couples have been allowed to have all the same rights that traditional heterosexual couples: Property, insurance, adoption, wills and living trusts, etc. through civil unions and domestic partnerships. What gay couples don't have is the name MARRIAGE which has belonged to traditional couples for thousands of years. Gay activists tell us that their relationships are exactly the same as a man with a woman. I disagree. Two apples are not the same as two oranges.
Having worked in the entertainment business for many years, I've met many gay people. Some were very nice. Some were flamboyant. Some were closeted. Some were complete in-your-face activists. It's those activists we need to worry about.
Back in the 90s, my company was bought by a large entertainment company which in turn merged with an even larger company that recognized domestic partnerships. I was meeting with an HR manager (Bob, not his real name)that was helping us with our restructure. After knowing each other a few months, we started talking about our kids. He told me he was in the process of adopting two brothers. The conversation went something like this:
Trace: "That's awesome. What made you decide to adopt?"
Bob: "We've been their foster parents for awhile. They're great kids who've had it rough and we want to raise them as our own. Because one of them is a little older, most couples want to adopt younger kids. We don't want to see them split up."
Trace: My wife and I talked about it. You just never know what the kids have been through before you meet them. Your wife must be really special."
Bob: "I don't have a wife."
Trace: "Wow, a single man wanting to adopt..."
Bob: "No..."
Trace "I don't understand..."
Bob: "Life partner." (a 90s term)
Right then I had a decision to make. I was genuinely suprised. Bob looked and acted just like any guy I'd known. He was gay, not evil.
Trace: "You've got guts. I'd rather see those kids with two men that love them than be stuck in foster care."
Bob: "I appreciate that..."
I meant it then and I mean it now. Many gay couple live similar mundane, everyday lives like straight couples. Most of them are fine with domestic partnerships. They live their lives pretty much like the rest of us.
I became an adult in the 80s. When I met my first openly flamboyant in-your-face gay guy, it was at work. One lunchtime, he introduced me to his "lover". "Lover" was the term gays used at the time to let you know "HEY, I'M GAY". They invited me to lunch with a few others. since I was new to the company, I went. After talking with the "lover" during lunch, I found that he was a lot like me--he was into playing sports, fixing cars, boxing, and firearms. Big difference--he liked sex with men. I still say that if you're gay, not my issue. If you're a guy who wants to spend his wintry nights in the arms of another man--enjoy.
Later "lover" was switched to "life-partner" to show that they were in a committed relationship. Then one day their terms would no longer suffice. Civil Union--not good enough. Domsetic Partnership--not good enough. They wanted our term, marriage. Two apples are not two oranges.
My biggest problem with changing the definition of marriage is that the great majority of us have to break with time honored tradition to accomodate a tiny minority of a minority. Most gay people don't even want to get married.
Another issue I have is that while some gays want to change marriage so that they can be part of mainstream society, they also want their own community:
LGBT--Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgendered. I thought lesbians were gay. Bisexuals--what's their problem? The buffet is always open. The transgendered have their own set of issues which the rest of this group tend to muddy. Gay rights parades make Mardis Gras look tame. Cities in my home state, California, have sizeable gay populations. San Francisco, West Hollywood, and Palm Springs went crazy before the November 2008 election. California voted YES ON 8 to strike down same-sex marriage. These same voters still voted for Barack Obama. So much for HOPE and CHANGE.
I hope to be a grandparent someday. I don't want to be talking with my future 6 year old granddaughter and have her tell me that someday she and her friend Briana might get married because the definition of marriage has been changed...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
An analysis was recently done about the cash for clunkers program by A total of 690,000 new cars were sold under the program last summer, but only 125,000 of those vehicles would not have been sold had the cash for clunkers program not been available. The average rebate was $4,000 but the majority of the sales would have taken place some time in 2009. That means the government spent about $24,000 each for the additional 125,000 cars that sold. You didn't have to spend $4,000 on the other 565,000 cars because they would have sold anyway! We spent $4,000 on a half a million people that were trading their car and getting a new one without the rebate! The only thing the program really did was it caused some people to wait, and others to speed up their time frame for trading up. Believe it or not the auto industry agrees with the study, but that it still helped the economy (huh). The only thing this did was boost numbers for one quarter by squeezing the yearly sales into a single quarter. This is all the government can do. They can waste billions of dollars of tax money to squeeze a year's worth of sells into three moths so that for a few days they get an artificial higher number for output.
The White House has fired back saying edomonds is wrong. "This is the latest of several critical analysis of the cash for clunkers program from edmonds .com which appeared designed to grab headlines and get coverage on cable t.v." What a stupid analysis!. Of course they're going to grab headlines and get on cable t.v. because they're pointing out the truth! And the truth matches what any rational person would come up with themselves. The White House also said that people were drawn into dealerships because of the program and endued up purchasing cars even if their trade in didn't qualify them for the program. Edmonds said there is no hard evidence of consumers buying cars after they discovered that their car didn't qualify for the rebate.
The White House has fired back saying edomonds is wrong. "This is the latest of several critical analysis of the cash for clunkers program from edmonds .com which appeared designed to grab headlines and get coverage on cable t.v." What a stupid analysis!. Of course they're going to grab headlines and get on cable t.v. because they're pointing out the truth! And the truth matches what any rational person would come up with themselves. The White House also said that people were drawn into dealerships because of the program and endued up purchasing cars even if their trade in didn't qualify them for the program. Edmonds said there is no hard evidence of consumers buying cars after they discovered that their car didn't qualify for the rebate.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I Learned the Truth at 21
In October of 2005, I began working for the William S Hart Unified School District as an instructional assistant. I remember my disbelief at the amount of deductions I saw on my first pay check. There was the usual Social Security and Medicare deductions. I learned that lesson at 16. I remember my father showing me his paycheck and how much was taken out of his check. He told me to get used to it and that it would "only get worse."
The two new deductions I saw were union duties and something called CALPERS. I never signed up for any union, and I was pretty pissed about the whole situation. I went to talk to the HR lady and told her I wanted to opt out of the union. She gave me this crazy look and asked, "Why would you want to do that when the union does so many great things for you?" I told her that I didn't believe in unions and that I didn't want to be in it. She then told me that there was no way out of the union, that it was mandatory, and part of the agreement I signed by becoming an employee of the school district. So much for individual liberties.
I was now a part of something I despised, a big bloated corrupt public employee union. I had no say in how my union dues were spent. A ray of hope appeared with the 2005 ballot with several initiatives to limit the power of unions. One of them was a measure that would allow public employees to have a say and vote in how their union dues were spent on political campaigns. I thought it was a for sure win. I mean who wouldn't vote for that? Well, the union launched a big media blitz and portrayed anyone voting for the measure as hating teachers and firemen. The measure was defeated, and I was stuck.
CALPERS turned out to be the state public employee retirement fund. I was against Social Security and certainly against this fund. At 21 I needed my money to be liquid. I tried to opt out of CALPERS and couldn't. I even asked if I could set up my private retirement fund instead of CALPERS. I was once again stuck. The government knew better than I did.
Fast forward to today where CALPERS has lost over a 100 billion dollars. CALPERS had investment losses of over 50 billion dollars for the fiscal year ended June 30th. The difference has to come from taxes, or in wother words, you. The state has already allocated 3.3 billion dollars from the general fund to make up for CALPERS poor performance, and they're expected to cover fiscal losses in the next fiscal year.
The investment losses didn't just come from stock market investments. They were extracurricular investments. CALPERS is about to lose a half a billion dollars on a New York real estate deal for an apartment complex. They purchased it for 5.5 billion and now its worth 2.5 billion. The whole deal went bust. Tax payers are of course on the hook to make up the difference. With pensions you always invest conservatively. By November 2006, the market was already looking flimsy. CALSTERS (the teacher equivalent of CALPERS) lost a billion dollars on one bad real estate investment on its own! CALSTERS real estate holdings lost 43% during the year.
All these public employee organizations bribed the legislature and governor Gray Davis years ago and all kind of other officials with campaign contributions and they won these huge pension benefit increases. You can't roll them back unless the union agrees to it. They're federally protected. So we're suppose to divert more and more tax dollars each yeah to make up for the losses of these greedy bozos. As what point do people blow their tops? They have to spend over 3 billion to prop up the state retirement system. The city of Fullerton has been told they have to pay 5.5 million more starting in 2011 to fund the city employees' retirements. Fullerton is already in the red and now they have been hot with another bill.
Al Villalobos, who was on the CALPERS board back on the 90's, acted as a middle man to steer CALPERS to invest in come companies (Arco Financial Ventures) which have had huge losses. Villalobos made over 50 million in fees for arranging these investments. He made his money so it doesn't matter if it collapses. So CALPERS will just ask for more money from the tax payers. Not ask, demand, since they're entitled. It's corrupt. Massive corruption for state employees.
In 2001 CALPERS decided it would allow local govs. to inflate the value of their pension investments by 1/3. They would allow the governments to arbitrarily say, "You know my pensions investments, They're worth a 1/3 more today than yesterday." The gov agencies could the turn to the employees and tell them that they could give them more benefits. In 1999 the state government was spending 160 million in pensions (with tax money) in 1999. They said that 10 years later they would be spending 350 million. Today, the state is spending 10 times the amount at 3.4 billion!! It's likely to climb to 5 in the next couple of years. 10 years ago, the government hacks thought the stock market was going to explode forever. They took a pencil, erased the old numbers and said that everything was worth a 1/3 more.California employees have the most extravagant pension benefits of any state employee. People are retiring at 50 with more than their salary with annual cost of living raises and life time health benefits.
The retirement age should be raised back to age to 58 when police officers and firefighters retired before the 1999 legislation passed. For regular employees, set the age consistent with social security at 65-67.
The Wallstreet Journal had an article written by Stu Wu and Jim Carlton "The cost of shoring up CALPERS." "The troubled 200 billion dollar pension fund for California public employees will ultimately fall on the state's 38 million residents who are already dealing with increased tax increases and reduced public services." The state and local governments are contractually bound to increase their payments to CALPERS to make up for investment losses of more than 50 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30th. There is no market correction here. There are a lot of public employees willing to work for a $75,000 pensions instead of a $150,00 pension. They'd do a great job too. They should be replaced by people who are willing to earn less money. We can't do that though. There is no invisible hand. Governments destroy free markets. We have an irrational system that is going to collapse.
The two new deductions I saw were union duties and something called CALPERS. I never signed up for any union, and I was pretty pissed about the whole situation. I went to talk to the HR lady and told her I wanted to opt out of the union. She gave me this crazy look and asked, "Why would you want to do that when the union does so many great things for you?" I told her that I didn't believe in unions and that I didn't want to be in it. She then told me that there was no way out of the union, that it was mandatory, and part of the agreement I signed by becoming an employee of the school district. So much for individual liberties.
I was now a part of something I despised, a big bloated corrupt public employee union. I had no say in how my union dues were spent. A ray of hope appeared with the 2005 ballot with several initiatives to limit the power of unions. One of them was a measure that would allow public employees to have a say and vote in how their union dues were spent on political campaigns. I thought it was a for sure win. I mean who wouldn't vote for that? Well, the union launched a big media blitz and portrayed anyone voting for the measure as hating teachers and firemen. The measure was defeated, and I was stuck.
CALPERS turned out to be the state public employee retirement fund. I was against Social Security and certainly against this fund. At 21 I needed my money to be liquid. I tried to opt out of CALPERS and couldn't. I even asked if I could set up my private retirement fund instead of CALPERS. I was once again stuck. The government knew better than I did.
Fast forward to today where CALPERS has lost over a 100 billion dollars. CALPERS had investment losses of over 50 billion dollars for the fiscal year ended June 30th. The difference has to come from taxes, or in wother words, you. The state has already allocated 3.3 billion dollars from the general fund to make up for CALPERS poor performance, and they're expected to cover fiscal losses in the next fiscal year.
The investment losses didn't just come from stock market investments. They were extracurricular investments. CALPERS is about to lose a half a billion dollars on a New York real estate deal for an apartment complex. They purchased it for 5.5 billion and now its worth 2.5 billion. The whole deal went bust. Tax payers are of course on the hook to make up the difference. With pensions you always invest conservatively. By November 2006, the market was already looking flimsy. CALSTERS (the teacher equivalent of CALPERS) lost a billion dollars on one bad real estate investment on its own! CALSTERS real estate holdings lost 43% during the year.
All these public employee organizations bribed the legislature and governor Gray Davis years ago and all kind of other officials with campaign contributions and they won these huge pension benefit increases. You can't roll them back unless the union agrees to it. They're federally protected. So we're suppose to divert more and more tax dollars each yeah to make up for the losses of these greedy bozos. As what point do people blow their tops? They have to spend over 3 billion to prop up the state retirement system. The city of Fullerton has been told they have to pay 5.5 million more starting in 2011 to fund the city employees' retirements. Fullerton is already in the red and now they have been hot with another bill.
Al Villalobos, who was on the CALPERS board back on the 90's, acted as a middle man to steer CALPERS to invest in come companies (Arco Financial Ventures) which have had huge losses. Villalobos made over 50 million in fees for arranging these investments. He made his money so it doesn't matter if it collapses. So CALPERS will just ask for more money from the tax payers. Not ask, demand, since they're entitled. It's corrupt. Massive corruption for state employees.
In 2001 CALPERS decided it would allow local govs. to inflate the value of their pension investments by 1/3. They would allow the governments to arbitrarily say, "You know my pensions investments, They're worth a 1/3 more today than yesterday." The gov agencies could the turn to the employees and tell them that they could give them more benefits. In 1999 the state government was spending 160 million in pensions (with tax money) in 1999. They said that 10 years later they would be spending 350 million. Today, the state is spending 10 times the amount at 3.4 billion!! It's likely to climb to 5 in the next couple of years. 10 years ago, the government hacks thought the stock market was going to explode forever. They took a pencil, erased the old numbers and said that everything was worth a 1/3 more.California employees have the most extravagant pension benefits of any state employee. People are retiring at 50 with more than their salary with annual cost of living raises and life time health benefits.
The retirement age should be raised back to age to 58 when police officers and firefighters retired before the 1999 legislation passed. For regular employees, set the age consistent with social security at 65-67.
The Wallstreet Journal had an article written by Stu Wu and Jim Carlton "The cost of shoring up CALPERS." "The troubled 200 billion dollar pension fund for California public employees will ultimately fall on the state's 38 million residents who are already dealing with increased tax increases and reduced public services." The state and local governments are contractually bound to increase their payments to CALPERS to make up for investment losses of more than 50 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30th. There is no market correction here. There are a lot of public employees willing to work for a $75,000 pensions instead of a $150,00 pension. They'd do a great job too. They should be replaced by people who are willing to earn less money. We can't do that though. There is no invisible hand. Governments destroy free markets. We have an irrational system that is going to collapse.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Halloween Used to be Fun
As a kid of 8 I liked Halloween. It was the only night of the year I was allowed to roam the streets at night. I had to be responsible for my brother and sister, but so what? I was out at night like Batman. My dad figured it was safe enough because we lived on a naval base in Hawaii. Before that, we lived in South Central L.A.(aw, HELL NO), on a country road in Japan, and a naval base in Guam (Dad had to walk with us). After about an hour trick or treating, my sister had enough and we brought her home. My brother and I emptied our bags and went back out. I was dressed in this store-bought fake spider guy costume and my brother was a clown. We walked to the very edges of the neighborhood and came home well rewarded about 10 pm. We thought we might be in trouble since our usual school night bedtime was 8:30. The old man didn't care because it was Halloween and he didn't have to go out with us. He also rifled through our candy and took a few Reese's peanut butter cups.
When I was 9, my parent's bought the family home in Granada Hills, California. My sister didn't want to go out for Halloween. Our baby brother was only 2. So it was just me and Geoff. I don't remember our costumes. All I remember it was cold and windy. Most of the kids wore coats over their costumes. What kind of superhero or monster wears a plaid coat? When I got home, I soaked in the tub to get feeling back in my joints. The next Halloween we wore costumes that kept us warm. I was a USC football fan complete with jacket and beanie.
My dad died of a massive heart attack when I was eleven. After that, Halloween was like any other night except for the costumes. When I was 13, I discovered this trunk my dad had with his gear from Viet Nam. That's right, my dad fought in 'Nam. I found all this authentic military gear--US Navy fatigues, boots, a knife, L-shaped flashlight, and floppy hat--all I needed was an M-16 (a toy version I found at some local toy store). I had extra uniforms for my friends Charlie and Joey. My brother Geoff didn't want to hang with us because he was too busy smoking weed with his friends. Except for our pillow cases, we looked awesome. About an hour into our rounds,
we stop at this house. "Trick-or-Treat" we scream. This long-haired guy comes out and shuts the door behind him. He then proceeds to lecture us about the "baby-killers" we represented and the evils of our troops. Confused, we just stared at each other.
I told the hippie to F*** off. My dad was my hero and nobody was going to bad-mouth
him. This was 1978.
Two years later, I went out on Halloween with Charlie and my friend, Dave. Dave and I just wore our suits we wore for Jr. High graduation. We were modern day pimps complete with gold chains. Country music was all the rage because of the movie, Urban Cowboy, so Dave borrowed a cowboy hat with feathers to be a cowboy pimp. Charlie painted his face to look like Peter Criss from Kiss and wore a brown leather trenchcoat with no pants. He was a flasher. We didn't go out for candy. We just walked around and visited people we knew. Half of them offered us bong hits. Dave and I declined. I'd like to say that was the last time I dressed up for Halloween, but I did it one more time.
In 1986, I stopped at a Halloween party with my girlfriend (now wife) just to say hello. We were not in costume. Charlie was there dressed as a caveman with some cavegirl I've long forgotten. My friends, Gary and Bret, were dressed as Arab sheiks and kept offering to buy my girlfriend. As we observed the crowd, I noticed how skanky the women were dressed: "Head" nurses with knee pads, French maids, schoolgirls, and hookers. We left for dinner and a movie.
In 1988, my wife and I ended up at a Halloween Party in the house they claim Debra Winger, actress from the aforementioned Urban Cowboy, An Officer and a Gentleman, and Terms of Endearment supposedly grew up. The same Debra Winger recently called for the release of child-rapist and fugitive, Roman Polanski. I have no idea who invited us but we got there late and people were hammered. My wife came as Raggedy Ann and I was Raggedy Andy. My costume was designed for someone about 5' 8", 175 lbs. I'm 6' and weighed 198 lbs. at the time so it didn't look good. I wore the sailor hat/yarn wig but I refused to paint my face. I haven't worn a costume since.
My former employer liked for us to dress for Halloween when the psycho employees and their clothes matched. My boss ordered my department to dress up. We said no. She insisted. We compromised. All but one of us wore matching glasses and a red ball-nose. She wasn't happy, but she never asked again. Two employees I can't forget: One was an artist/bodybuilder that most of the women wanted, before he came out of the closet and dressed as a playboy bunny. He might have made some guy happy, but he died of AIDS a few short years later. Another was a girl who showed up dressed to the nines in a black party dress, high heels, hair and make-up. Although she normally sounded like a girl, she dressed like a male college student. After our applause she volunteered she might have looked this way more often if her uncle hadn't repeatedly molested her when she was a little girl. How do you forget that one?
My daughter was born in 1993. She loves Halloween. Over the years she has dressed as Big Bird (twice), Tinkerbell (twice), Snow White (the irony), a dancer, and a Fanta Girl (Orange). This year she wanted to dress as a nun. Yes, a skanky nun with fishnets and high heels. She tried the costume on for us. My wife and I consider ourselves reponsible parents. We fought with her about it. It has since been returned. In two years, she'll be 18, a legal adult. Then it's on her.
Halloween is no longer that one day we get dressed up a play pretend. It has become SKANK IT UP, GET HAMMERED, AND GET LAID IF YOU CAN night. It caters way more to adults than children and it has become a huge business. I'm all for businesses making lots of money. Let's just keep our underage kids of the pole as l;ong as we can....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Conservative vs. Liberal
This was sent to me by one of our readers:
Good Thoughts...
If a conservative doesn't' like guns, he doesn`t buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegeta! rian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.
A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a black man or Hispanic are conservative, they see themselves as independently successful.
Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
Good Thoughts...
If a conservative doesn't' like guns, he doesn`t buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegeta! rian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.
A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a black man or Hispanic are conservative, they see themselves as independently successful.
Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Back Off Nanny State! Why Government Doesn't Know What's Best For You
Sigh... People who believe the government should take care of you. That we are too stupid or incompetent to take care or ourselves, that somehow wee need a cradle to grave nanny state. Here's another I told you so! Government forcing companies to put calorie listings on the wall because supposedly when consumers see the amount of calories on the wall they'll start to consume fewer calories which will lead to leas obesity and less health conditions that are damaging to consumers. So all the government slobs who want to control everybody's life and think, "If we just had the proper education, if we just required business to do the right thing, then people will eat more healthy." Guess what? It turns out all the big governrment slobs were wrong. Not just wrong, but DEAD WRONG!
A study was recently done by several professors at NYU and Yale whether or not calorie postings actually changed people's behavior. They tracked consumers of four fast food restaurant chains; McDonald's, Wendy's Burger King, and KFC. They did it in poor areas of New York where there are high rates of obesity. Half of the customers noticed the calorie counts. 28% of the customers that noticed them said it influenced their ordering. 9/10 said they has made healthier choices as a result. The researchers checked their receipts and found out that people had actually ordered slightly more calories than the typical customer had before the labeling law had went into effect! Not only where they wrong about how these calories posting would effect behavior, the people that they poled lied.
New York City is one the nanny cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles filled with government officials who know better. They think as they stoke their beards, "I know what we can do with these poor fat people. We'll just inform them, we'll educate them and it will change their consuming habits." NO!
A study was recently done by several professors at NYU and Yale whether or not calorie postings actually changed people's behavior. They tracked consumers of four fast food restaurant chains; McDonald's, Wendy's Burger King, and KFC. They did it in poor areas of New York where there are high rates of obesity. Half of the customers noticed the calorie counts. 28% of the customers that noticed them said it influenced their ordering. 9/10 said they has made healthier choices as a result. The researchers checked their receipts and found out that people had actually ordered slightly more calories than the typical customer had before the labeling law had went into effect! Not only where they wrong about how these calories posting would effect behavior, the people that they poled lied.
New York City is one the nanny cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles filled with government officials who know better. They think as they stoke their beards, "I know what we can do with these poor fat people. We'll just inform them, we'll educate them and it will change their consuming habits." NO!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Nobel "Peace" of Garbage
On September 11, 2001, I turned on the TV to see what looked like an abstract picture that made no sense. One of the World Trade Towers was on fire and the other was gone. Someone was giving a report but it sounded like “Blah blah blah” to me. I was transfixed on the image that didn’t make any sense. Fast forward to this morning. Some story was being reported on CNN but all I could focus on was the box in red below: President Obama has just won the Nobel Peace Prize. After I got over the shock, I started laughing.
When I was 13, the award went to Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel for negotiating peace between their two countries. The next year, Mother Teresa won it for work with the poor, sick, and dying in India. Back then, the Nobel Committee cared about results. Today’s award was akin to giving out trophies to kids who just signed up to play AYSO soccer before the season even started. I bet the guy who won for Science just rubbed two sticks together and made FIRE. Was President Obama awarded for his magnificent (We Are the World) rhetoric, great many speeches, and TV appearances and magazine covers? Doubt it—it’s because he’s not George W. Bush. Fear not, this all happened for J-Lo (sans rhetoric and speeches) and everyone got sick of her, too.
Just yesterday, the Obama Administration was having meetings on what to do about the WAR in Afghanistan. By his accepting this “prestigious” award has the Nobel Committee hamstrung the President? It was bad enough President “I will listen to my generals on the ground for real answers , not just what I want to hear” is hemming and hawing on giving General McChrystal the additional soldiers he has requested to fight Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Now he has to worry about being President of the World. I daresay it makes me laugh. Instead of troops, he can send Afghanistan 40,000 blankets—winter will be there soon.
Today the Nobel Committee gave an award for HOPE and CHANGE. Without accomplishing very much, the President HOPE’s to do things to advance peace by doing things that will make America weaker. A weaker America will allow CHANGE for the worse. There will come a day in the world of grown-ups that the President make decisions that will propel our military into action. Our troops will crush whatever opposing force (Iran) is in the way. Then the fickle world who loved him so much will throw him under the bus.
Lastly, I want to give a shout out for former President Bill Clinton. The man was our President for two terms. He’s raised billions through his foundations for humanitarian causes all over the world. He was once called our “first Black President”. One term President Jimmy Carter has a Nobel Peace Prize. Former VICE President Al Gore has a Nobel Peace Prize. Dead terrorist and PLO leader Yassir Arafat received a Nobel Peace Prize. If Vice President Joe Biden gets one before Slick Willy, it would really show what a worthless award it truly has become.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Cap and Trade: How Obama is an economic illiterate
In January of last year, then candidate Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board under his plan of a cap and trade, electricity prices would "skyrocket." He said it would bankrupt coal, gas, and all sorts of traditional power plants. Keep in mind that these power plants actually make power and cheap power. Obama seems to be illiterate on basic economics.
Politicians want to seem like they're "doing something" when in reality all they are really doing is waving around a piece of paper. Not even the Kyoto treaty would detectably impact climate change. They all want to say this did something, but of course they don't want to go on the record of voting for a direct tax because that's transparent and that threatens the jobs of any member who votes for it. So they come up with a brilliant shame called cap and trade. It's a rationing scheme with a number (the cap). The state decides how much of something the private sector can use. Like nylons or gasoline in WW II, this is is gasoline and electricity from disfavored sources, or in shorthand electricity production that actually works. They set a cap and allocate allowances (rationing coupons) to use electricity. You can sell them if you for fail or move and, you have to buy them if you succeed or stay here.
Now as always on this blog, I disclose all. The cap and trade does not put an electricity limit on every company. However, that's part of the scheme. The Obama admisntiartion says not to worry; that it only covers energy intensive sectors such as energy production, manufacturing, steel, ceramics, glass, chemicals/plastics. What's there to worry about right? None of those things factory into the economy... huh? The same types of companies that have been hit really hard in Euerope with their own cap and trade regulations will be hit really hard here. In order to use the extra electricity they need, they'll have to buy electricity credits from other companies that aren't using their limit of electricity. Those who commit the ultimate sin in America today which is to succeed and those who succeed domestically will have to buy more of these allowances from someone who fails. So the incentive to fail is great, or for example as we saw under Kyoto in Europe the following happens. When cap and trade went into effect in Europe, China reopened old refrigerant factories and said, "Nice treaty you have here, it'd be a shame if you violated it. Of course I could shut down this factory I just reopened for the purpose of being paid to shut it down. If you give me a bag of money, I'll give you a piece of paper saying YOU REDUCED YOUR EMISSIONS. That's all part of the cap and trade scheme, and part of the mess you will always get into when the government sticks its big fat sticky hand into the private sector,
The administration expects to raise in revenue from 100-300 billion dollars a year. Just to put this in perspective, the biggest tax in American history, adjusted for inflation was that tax issued to pay off WW II which was $107 billion per year. This will be by far the biggest tax increase in American history. What it does mean to the average household? A CBS reporter said 200 billion lifted from you wallet would be the equivalent of a 15% increase in income tax or about $1761.00 per household on average!
The president's budget director testified recently testified to congress saying, "Consumers pay these taxes. Believe it or not, businesses pass taxes on to the extent they can (did congress really not understand this concept?), and of that they can't, they leave." It's pretty frightening that congress didn't understand a really basic economics principle. But then again, it appears that Obama is an economic illiterate.
So the cost to the average cost to the consumer just for buying the allowances would be that figure. Now you take to the overall loss to the economy and increased prices for everything that has energy in it. Start with energy itself, electronic goods, anything that requires energy intensive manufacturing, appliances, food for example. The cost of everything that has energy in its life cycle goes up. That means it hurts the poor and seniors first and worst because they spend a lager portion of their income of food on electricity and transportation.
Thank goodness that it's currently stalled out in the senate, for now. Most people just don't realize how damaging to the economy this would be. Cap and trade is a horrible idea and another example of the disastrous results of big government.
Politicians want to seem like they're "doing something" when in reality all they are really doing is waving around a piece of paper. Not even the Kyoto treaty would detectably impact climate change. They all want to say this did something, but of course they don't want to go on the record of voting for a direct tax because that's transparent and that threatens the jobs of any member who votes for it. So they come up with a brilliant shame called cap and trade. It's a rationing scheme with a number (the cap). The state decides how much of something the private sector can use. Like nylons or gasoline in WW II, this is is gasoline and electricity from disfavored sources, or in shorthand electricity production that actually works. They set a cap and allocate allowances (rationing coupons) to use electricity. You can sell them if you for fail or move and, you have to buy them if you succeed or stay here.
Now as always on this blog, I disclose all. The cap and trade does not put an electricity limit on every company. However, that's part of the scheme. The Obama admisntiartion says not to worry; that it only covers energy intensive sectors such as energy production, manufacturing, steel, ceramics, glass, chemicals/plastics. What's there to worry about right? None of those things factory into the economy... huh? The same types of companies that have been hit really hard in Euerope with their own cap and trade regulations will be hit really hard here. In order to use the extra electricity they need, they'll have to buy electricity credits from other companies that aren't using their limit of electricity. Those who commit the ultimate sin in America today which is to succeed and those who succeed domestically will have to buy more of these allowances from someone who fails. So the incentive to fail is great, or for example as we saw under Kyoto in Europe the following happens. When cap and trade went into effect in Europe, China reopened old refrigerant factories and said, "Nice treaty you have here, it'd be a shame if you violated it. Of course I could shut down this factory I just reopened for the purpose of being paid to shut it down. If you give me a bag of money, I'll give you a piece of paper saying YOU REDUCED YOUR EMISSIONS. That's all part of the cap and trade scheme, and part of the mess you will always get into when the government sticks its big fat sticky hand into the private sector,
The administration expects to raise in revenue from 100-300 billion dollars a year. Just to put this in perspective, the biggest tax in American history, adjusted for inflation was that tax issued to pay off WW II which was $107 billion per year. This will be by far the biggest tax increase in American history. What it does mean to the average household? A CBS reporter said 200 billion lifted from you wallet would be the equivalent of a 15% increase in income tax or about $1761.00 per household on average!
The president's budget director testified recently testified to congress saying, "Consumers pay these taxes. Believe it or not, businesses pass taxes on to the extent they can (did congress really not understand this concept?), and of that they can't, they leave." It's pretty frightening that congress didn't understand a really basic economics principle. But then again, it appears that Obama is an economic illiterate.
So the cost to the average cost to the consumer just for buying the allowances would be that figure. Now you take to the overall loss to the economy and increased prices for everything that has energy in it. Start with energy itself, electronic goods, anything that requires energy intensive manufacturing, appliances, food for example. The cost of everything that has energy in its life cycle goes up. That means it hurts the poor and seniors first and worst because they spend a lager portion of their income of food on electricity and transportation.
Thank goodness that it's currently stalled out in the senate, for now. Most people just don't realize how damaging to the economy this would be. Cap and trade is a horrible idea and another example of the disastrous results of big government.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Story of Stuff is a very frightening animated documentary about the product life cycle by political activist Annie Leonard. The video was sponsored by the Tides Center, a non-profit group that provides sponsorship for progressive projects. The documentary is being shown in elementary schools, although it has been banned in some school districts. The video criticizes excessive consumerism which in it self doesn't sound so bad. After all I do think we are a little too materialistic sometimes. Annie introduces the government with the image of a tank "Some people think we should use a tank to represent the government. After all the government spends half our tax dollars on the military. It's the government's job to watch out for us, take care of us; that's their job." (The figure she presents is very inaccurate. She got the figure from the War Resistors League website. The figure is more accurately ranged at 20-25% which I feel is way too low).
What!? Last time I checked the job of the government was to protect us. In specific, it's the job of the federal government is to protect us from foreign and domestic enemies. Last time I checked, the job of the president was commander-in-chief, not a spokesman for a government run health care program. So far Obama is doing a pretty good job of getting his voice out there. He's made appearances on David Letterman, ESPN, The Obama Channel (MSNBC), and every Sunday news morning political talk show except Fox News. Fox News is the cable news network with the highest ratings by the way, but that's beside the point. His voice is sure getting out there although the public by a majority is against his proposed government run health care option.
Now when it comes to Obama's job as president, absent-in chief seems more fitting. So far our "commander-in-chief" has managed to have time to schedule t.v. appearances, but was only able to speak with Stanley McChrystal once since his inauguration in January. So far he has cut the defense budget, abandoned our Eastern-European allies with the missile defense shield, tried to close Guantanamo, and has demoralized the CIA. Some how we are suppose to believe we are more safe? When it comes to Obama's most sacred responsibility he clearly is failing.
Monday, October 5, 2009
America is Burning
The unemployment rate hovers at about 9.8 per cent. Home foreclosures are still on the rise. Personal bankruptcies are still on the rise. Heath care “reform” battles take place every single day on television.
General Stanley McChrystal, America’s top general in Afghanistan, is asking for more troops to better fight the Taliban. Iran tests both short and long range missiles capable of hitting Israel, the Arab world, and Europe. America decides to pull missiles for defense out of Poland and the Czech Republic to concentrate on the Aegis System, which was state-of-the-art when I was in high school. All these challenges confronting America and what does the President do? An Olympic run to Copenhagen!
American ideals are burning down all around us (literally in my area of Southern California) and the President and First Lady fly to Copenhagen on Air Force One to persuade the International Olympic Committee to give the 2016 Summer Games to their beloved city of Chicago. First, the First Lady gives a laughable speech about herself and her late father. There were a lot of “I” and “he” statements but not much about what CHICAGO would bring to the table. Then the President spoke and it just got worse. It was a mixture of “I Have a Dream”, “We Are the World”, and “I was in Chicago on election night last November when America chose me, an historic event if you recall…” Again, not much about what CHICAGO would do for the Olympics. Chicago was eliminated in the first round of voting.
As Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer puts it, “It seems to me that a lot of the Obama Presidency is a contest between his intelligence and his arrogance…” Our President couldn’t convince the IOC to grant us the Olympics and he thinks he can convince Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program? Well...yeah!
The worst thing that happened to the Obama’s Administration was rushing through and passing the stimulus bill. We all got to see the President’s arrogance in action. Very few of us were familiar with Chicago-Styled politics but we now can see it on a national scale. It was supposed to save or create jobs and keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent. Somehow we got to 9.8. Good thing those earmarks were in it.
During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, he made all kinds of promises that constituted HOPE and CHANGE:
Transparency in government
More troops to Afghanistan (the real war of necessity)
Close Guantanamo
End the war in Iraq (the war of choice)
Repeal “Don’t’ Ask, Don’t Tell”
Now the President’s job approval rating is at 49 percent and dropping. Could it be that he might be taking America in the wrong direction? Nah…we’re just idiots.
Friday, September 25, 2009
After five undercover videos posted on and a few interviews on Fox News Channel’s O’Reilly Factor, Hannity, and Glenn Beck, the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, also known as ACORN is having trouble defending its employees who advise a pretend pimp and his pretend prostitute on how to start a criminal enterprise and defraud the IRS at the same time.
Filmmaker James O’Keefe ,25, and Hanna Giles, 20, went undercover as a pimp and prostitute to do the kind of investigative reporting once reserved for CBS,s 60 Minutes, NBC’s Dateline, and ABC’s 20/20. The duo went into several of ACORN’s housing divisions to inquire about setting up a whorehouse with smuggled underage El Salvadoran girls as young as thirteen. Workers in at least five locations (Baltimore, Washington DC, Brooklyn, San Bernadino, and San Diego so far) were quite happy to give them advice from what to call the “business” to how to smuggle the girls in to how to hide the money to the pimp eventually running for public office.
The first three videotapes released show O’Keefe and Giles hitting up predominantly black (I don’t say African-American unless I’m speaking of my white South African accountant) ACORN female staff members. This worried me because I thought that the race card would be pulled. ACORN quickly fired four of the scandalous employees involved. The next ACORN office videotaped visit to be released was San Bernadino whose white employee, Tresa Kaelke, volunteered she once ran her own escort service and even shot her own husband. Authorities investigated found ex-husbands very much alive. The fifth tape released has the enterprising duo interviewing a Latino man who could contact associates in Tijuana, Mexico, to smuggle in the underage El Salvadoran girls. He even awkwardly propositions Giles for some action. Leave it O’Keefe and Giles to work within the guidelines of the EEOC! They have to release a tape from an ACORN Chinatown next….
The last few weeks have been rough on ACORN. On Friday, September 11, 2009, the Census Bureau severed ties with them. On Monday, September 14, 2009, he U.S. Senate voted 83 to 7 to deny housing and community funding. The seven who voted in favor or ACORN: Dick Durbin (D) and Roland Burris (D) of Illinois, Patrick Leahy (D) and Bernard Sanders (I) of Vermont, Kirsten Gillibrand (D) of New York, Robert Casey (D) of Pennsylvania, and Sheldon Whitehouse (D) of Rhode Island. And to think people make jokes about Senators. On September 17, 2009, the White House distanced itself from ACORN. That same day, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 345 to 75 to cut off funding for ACORN. On September 20, 2009, ACORN’s CEO Bertha Lewis had to go on FOX News Sunday and questioned by Chris Wallace with Rep. Darrell Issa (R) of California sitting right next to her…the indignity!
Yesterday ACORN announced its lawsuit against O’Keefe, Giles, and Andrew Breitbart of alleging that they were illegally videotaped. Kool & the Gang! They must not have realized all the back and forth discovery that goes on in a lawsuit. ACORN may end up opening its books eventually getting the Feds involved. Nice.
ACORN is still due to receive over 8 BILLION dollars from the stimulus package which could set up a lot of whorehouses with Illegal alien underaged girls in style. Even with growing pressure from all sides, will President Obama finally throw ACORN under the bus? Doubt it—he’s not running for office at this time. It's not like they're Afghanistan.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Libyan Zombie Speaks at the UN
After President Obama spoke to the UN General Assembly yesterday basically telling the world [American was terrible to you in the past, but I'm not George W. Bush], Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi rambled on for about ninety minutes about well, everything. At first I thought something was wrong with my TV--was Qaddafi wearing makeup? Was George A. Romero making another remake of Dawn of the Dead?
I actually sat and watched Qaddafi live for almost all of it. About an hour into the "speech" I had to take a dump and wash my hands. Qaddaffi was all over the place going on tangents, making his poor interpreter sound like a retard. Qaddafi was like the idiot relative (we all have one) thats shows up for a holiday dinner and makes excuses to explain away why he's such a loser--It's everyone else's fault! He actually complained about having to make adjustments for the time difference from Tripoli to New York. His country barely knows how to make sand from rocks and he gets an international audience.
Some more of his greatest hits:
Big Powers Take Advantage of Little Powers
It's not 1945 (That Was a Long Time Ago)
Oh Saddam! (I Miss You)
Why Can't We All Be Equal?
Poor Iraq, Poor Afghanistan, Poor Palestine
Africa--We're Better than the Really Crappy Place We Were
I Can Name 50 Countries in 10 Minutes
JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby (Israel Did It!)
I Heart Barack Obama
G 20, Where's My Invite?
If anything, Qaddafi 's rant was as hilarious as it was disturbing. I did find myself agreeing with him on one point: Move the UN closer to Libya. Great idea. Putting it in Libya would be waste because a ten-story mud hut would be awfully hot in the summer. Put it in Dubai where all the pretend cool of the west meets traditional east. Besides making speeches to tear down the U.S. and Israel, the "dignitaries" get in a few rounds of golf. Then Qaddafi wouldn't have to travel so far and nobody would care where he set up his tent.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
You Can't Blame the Politicians for Everything: Why California voters are idiots
10 billion dollars is the amount California voters agreed to borrow to construct a high speed train to go from L.A. to San Francisco. Let me explain what the idiot California voters did. You kind of have to peel this thing apart like an onion as there are a few layers to it. First of all the idiot voters voted for a bond (which you should never do period)! This was voted for in 2008 during one of the worst economic recessions ever. I doubt that most of the people who voted for the train will ever even use it. Becuase the bond was voted in, the state government had to create another bloated bureaucracy called the "California High-speed Rail Authority" whose commission members are about to reward a $9 million, 5 year, public relations contract for people to talk about a high speed rail line. A train track needs its own public relations company that you (not me I'm not in CA right now) are going to pay $9 million for! To make matters worse, the state is taking some of the borrowed money and giving it to Sacramento hacks. Mercury Public Affairs, the public relations firm that is going to receive the contract, has as its partners, politically connected bozos; such as Fabian Nuñez, the former assembly speaker who liked to travel around the world on his $100,000 plus salary collecting high priced goods like wine and leather goods, high class resort hotels, fine food. He'd go to Paris and drop a thousand dollars buying gifts for his slime ball staff. Adam Mendelson, the governors current political adviser and former communications director, is also with Mercury Public Affairs as well as Steve Schmidt , who ran the governor's 2006 re-election campaign. It so happens to be that 5/18 staffers that Mercury wants to use on this project have worked for Schwarzenegger. 2 of the staff panelists who chose Mercury Public Affairs to take this project have also worked for Schwarzenegger.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What Tea Party?
About twenty years ago I heard for the first time someone say, "The news isn't news, it's just regulated opinion." I observed that firsthand last night.
I watched KNBC news at 11 to see how they would cover the Tea Party protest in Washington DC earlier that day. The lead story was the one year anniversary of the crash of Metrolink 111 that killed 25 and injured 134. It was a tragic local story. There was a sinkhole in Studio City. A woman got married in a hospital room so her very ill father could be present. There is a missing Yale graduate student since Tuesday that was supposed to get married today. There were eight other news stories. Then came the weather report. Then sports--USC came back to beat Ohio State on its final drive lead by true freshman Matt Barkley. Other sports scores. Then the newscast is over.
Not one mention of the Tea Party in Washington DC. Although estimates of tens of thousands to two million showed up to protest runaway BIG GOVERNMENT, KNBC news couldn't be bothered to report about it. As far as KNBC was concerned, nothing happened in DC yesterday. NBC and their parent company, GE,
are so in President Obama's back pocket, they can examine his colon. Instead of just showing the whackiest people who are protesting as they usually do, this time they report nothing. If they didn't report it, it must not have happened. Whether they show conservatives in a bad light or no light at all, NBC shows its media bias.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Did Obama Lie?
One of the things that has been getting me really upset is Obama’s claim that no where in his healthcare bill does it provide health care for illegal immigrants. Well tonight during Obama’s
“Look at me I’m Obama, remember?” speech South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie!" In case you missed it, here’s the clip:
Now if you go over to CNN or MSNBC right now, you’ll find discussions on how outrageous, rude, and inappropriate it was. To tell you the truth I’m not really worrying about that. I’m much more interested in what the hec caused Rep. Wilson to shout what he did. I’m glad someone decided to speak out against the smoke and mirrors magic trick. Allow me to show you how deceitful this claim is. First let’s hear Obama’s own words:
Now to be fully honest, in the bill, it says you have to be “legally present in one of the states” which is the exact phrase from the bill (whatever that means). Note that it does not state that you have to be legally present in the United States. “Legally present in a state” is not a recognized legal term. It has no significance because they refused to install any mechanism to enforce that someone is here legally. In other words no one is going to check and make someone prove their legal status.
Dean Heller, a congressman from Nevada introduced a bill to require the federal government to use a database to ensure that illegal immigrants were not provided state healthcare. The bill was defeated. There were a total of three attempts to amend the bill by republicans to ensure that there was some sort of system in place for verification and all were defeated by the democrats. So an illegal immigrant can sign up for health care and receive tax payer dollars for it because no one is going to cheek to see if he’s here legal. As a matter of fact, The Hispanic Caucus went to Nancy Pelosi and told her the only way they would support the bill is if a verification provision was left untouched. They would let the democrats say what they wanted to say about it not giving insurance to illegal immigrants and bla bla bla, but they agreed that no provision would be added to the bill to verify someone was here legally. And it just keeps on going… It also states in the bill if one person in a family is judged to be eligible, then all other people in the family are deemed to be legal. So the family of an anchor baby can all get access to public health care paid by the hard working taxpayer. Obama wants to have his cake and eat it to. Don’t believe this clown.
Monday, September 7, 2009
"And The People Said...."
Like it or not, there is growing opposition to the policies of our President. I've posted an email forwarded to me by one of our readers:
Our Leader "P-BO"
How's this for apocalyptic literature. This was written by a pastor's wife in biblical prose as a commentary of current events. It is brilliant.
And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people of the land called America, having lost their morals, their initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as "The One."
He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no meaning; but He hypnotized the people telling them, "I am sent to save you." My lack of experience, my questionable ethics, my monstrous ego, and my association with evil doers are of no consequence. I shall save you with Hope and Change. Go, therefore, and proclaim throughout the land that he who proceeded me is evil, that he has defiled the nation,
and that all he has built must be destroyed. And the people rejoiced, for even though they knew not what "The One" would do, he had promised that it was good; and they believed. And "The One" said " We live in the greatest country in the world. Help me change everything about it!"
And the people said, "Hallelujah! Change is good!"
Then He said, "We are going to tax the rich fat-cats." And the people said "Sock it to them!" "And redistribute their wealth." And the people said, "Show us the money!" And the he said, " redistribution of wealth is good for everybody."
And Joe the plumber asked, " Are you kidding me? You're going to steal my money and give it to the deadbeats??" And "The One" ridiculed and taunted him, and Joe's personal records were hacked and publicized.
One lone reporter asked, "Isn't that Marxist policy?" And she was banished from the kingdom!
Then a citizen asked, "With no foreign relations experience and having zero military experience or knowledge, how will deal with radical terrorists?" And "The One" said, "Simple. I shall sit with them and talk with them and show them how nice we really are; and they will forget that they ever wanted to kill us all!"
And the people said, "Hallelujah!! We are safe at last, and we can beat our weapons into free cars for the people!"
Then "The One" said "I shall give 95% of you lower taxes." And one, lone voice said, "But 40% of us don't pay ANY taxes." So
"The One" said, "Then I shall give you some of the taxes the fat-cats pay!"
And the people said, "Hallelujah! Show us the money!"
Then "The One" said, "I shall tax your Capital Gains when you sell your homes!" And the people yawned and the slumping housing market collapsed. And He said. "I shall mandate employer-funded health care for every worker and raise the minimum wage. And I shall give every
person unlimited healthcare and medicine and transportation to the clinics."
And the people said, "Give me some of that!"
Then he said, "I shall penalize employers who ship jobs overseas."
And the people said, "Where's my rebate check?"
Then "The One" said, "I shall bankrupt the coal industry and electricity rates will skyrocket!"
And the people said, "Coal is dirty, coal is evil, no more coal! But we don't care for that part about higher electric rates."
So "The One" said, Not to worry.. If your rebate isn't enough to cover your expenses, we shall bail you out. Just sign up with the ACORN and you troubles are over!"
Then He said, "Illegal immigrants feel scorned and slighted. Let's grant them amnesty, Social Security, free education, free lunches, free medical care, bi-lingual signs and guaranteed housing..."
And the people said, "Hallelujah!" and they made him king!
And so it came to pass that employers, facing spiraling costs and ever-higher taxes, raised their prices and laid off workers. Others simply gave up and went out of business and the economy sank like unto a rock dropped from a cliff.
The bank banking industry was destroyed. Manufacturing slowed to a
crawl. And more of the people were without a means of support..
Then "The One" said, "I am the "the One"- The Messiah - and I'm here to save you! We shall just print more money so everyone will have enough!" But our foreign trading partners said unto Him. "Wait a minute. Your dollar is not worth a pile of camel dung! You will have
to pay more..."
And the world said, "Wait a minute. That is unfair!!" And the world said, "Neither are these other idiotic programs you have embraced. Lo, you have become a Socialist state and
a second-rate power. Now you shall play by our rules!"
And the people cried out, "Alas, alas!! What have we done?" But yea verily, it was too late. The people set upon The One and spat upon him and stoned him, and his name was dung. And the once mighty nation was no more; and the once proud people were without sustenance or
shelter or hope. And the Change "The One" had given them was as like unto a poison that had destroyed then and like a whirlwind that consumed all that they had built.
And the people beat their chests in despair and cried out in anguish,
"give us back our nation and our pride and our hope!!" But it was too
late, and their homeland was no more.
You may think this a fairy tale, but it's not.
It's happening RIGHT NOW
Our Leader "P-BO"
How's this for apocalyptic literature. This was written by a pastor's wife in biblical prose as a commentary of current events. It is brilliant.
And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people of the land called America, having lost their morals, their initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as "The One."
He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no meaning; but He hypnotized the people telling them, "I am sent to save you." My lack of experience, my questionable ethics, my monstrous ego, and my association with evil doers are of no consequence. I shall save you with Hope and Change. Go, therefore, and proclaim throughout the land that he who proceeded me is evil, that he has defiled the nation,
and that all he has built must be destroyed. And the people rejoiced, for even though they knew not what "The One" would do, he had promised that it was good; and they believed. And "The One" said " We live in the greatest country in the world. Help me change everything about it!"
And the people said, "Hallelujah! Change is good!"
Then He said, "We are going to tax the rich fat-cats." And the people said "Sock it to them!" "And redistribute their wealth." And the people said, "Show us the money!" And the he said, " redistribution of wealth is good for everybody."
And Joe the plumber asked, " Are you kidding me? You're going to steal my money and give it to the deadbeats??" And "The One" ridiculed and taunted him, and Joe's personal records were hacked and publicized.
One lone reporter asked, "Isn't that Marxist policy?" And she was banished from the kingdom!
Then a citizen asked, "With no foreign relations experience and having zero military experience or knowledge, how will deal with radical terrorists?" And "The One" said, "Simple. I shall sit with them and talk with them and show them how nice we really are; and they will forget that they ever wanted to kill us all!"
And the people said, "Hallelujah!! We are safe at last, and we can beat our weapons into free cars for the people!"
Then "The One" said "I shall give 95% of you lower taxes." And one, lone voice said, "But 40% of us don't pay ANY taxes." So
"The One" said, "Then I shall give you some of the taxes the fat-cats pay!"
And the people said, "Hallelujah! Show us the money!"
Then "The One" said, "I shall tax your Capital Gains when you sell your homes!" And the people yawned and the slumping housing market collapsed. And He said. "I shall mandate employer-funded health care for every worker and raise the minimum wage. And I shall give every
person unlimited healthcare and medicine and transportation to the clinics."
And the people said, "Give me some of that!"
Then he said, "I shall penalize employers who ship jobs overseas."
And the people said, "Where's my rebate check?"
Then "The One" said, "I shall bankrupt the coal industry and electricity rates will skyrocket!"
And the people said, "Coal is dirty, coal is evil, no more coal! But we don't care for that part about higher electric rates."
So "The One" said, Not to worry.. If your rebate isn't enough to cover your expenses, we shall bail you out. Just sign up with the ACORN and you troubles are over!"
Then He said, "Illegal immigrants feel scorned and slighted. Let's grant them amnesty, Social Security, free education, free lunches, free medical care, bi-lingual signs and guaranteed housing..."
And the people said, "Hallelujah!" and they made him king!
And so it came to pass that employers, facing spiraling costs and ever-higher taxes, raised their prices and laid off workers. Others simply gave up and went out of business and the economy sank like unto a rock dropped from a cliff.
The bank banking industry was destroyed. Manufacturing slowed to a
crawl. And more of the people were without a means of support..
Then "The One" said, "I am the "the One"- The Messiah - and I'm here to save you! We shall just print more money so everyone will have enough!" But our foreign trading partners said unto Him. "Wait a minute. Your dollar is not worth a pile of camel dung! You will have
to pay more..."
And the world said, "Wait a minute. That is unfair!!" And the world said, "Neither are these other idiotic programs you have embraced. Lo, you have become a Socialist state and
a second-rate power. Now you shall play by our rules!"
And the people cried out, "Alas, alas!! What have we done?" But yea verily, it was too late. The people set upon The One and spat upon him and stoned him, and his name was dung. And the once mighty nation was no more; and the once proud people were without sustenance or
shelter or hope. And the Change "The One" had given them was as like unto a poison that had destroyed then and like a whirlwind that consumed all that they had built.
And the people beat their chests in despair and cried out in anguish,
"give us back our nation and our pride and our hope!!" But it was too
late, and their homeland was no more.
You may think this a fairy tale, but it's not.
It's happening RIGHT NOW
Where does your faith in government come from?
Isn't interesting that the same people who complain about the Post Office, the DMV, public schools, and the IRS are a lot of the same people who want socialized healthcare? Where does the faith in government come from? I deiced to take a look at a few classics examples to show why I have none:
USPS suffered a $2.8 billion loss for the fiscal year 2008. Slow snail mail delivery, lack of tracking, lack of customer service, and union protections are just some of the reason to blame. The USPS eagle logo has to go. The new logo for the USPS is the dodo bird. Of course the dodo bird is now extinct, so hopefully the Post Office becomes extinct too.
DMV- This video says it all:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Once Again I’m Called a Racist
On June 11, 1982, I was sitting in Charlie and Joey’s (the Japanese-Italian brothers I mention in my bio) living room waiting for the start of the fight between heavyweight boxing champion Larry “The Easton Assassin” Holmes and challenger “Gentleman” Gerry Cooney. Wilfredo Gomez had just knocked out Juan Antonio Lopez on the undercard. The grown-ups were drinking. Everyone seemed happy. Among the adults were Charlie and Joey’s dad, Chuck, their uncle, Sam, and a few guys whose names I’ve long forgotten. One guy in particular (we’ll call him “Dick”) asked me who I thought was going to win the fight. I smilingly responded, “Holmes.” Except for the TV, the room went silent. Obviously I was in a pro-Cooney crowd.
For months boxing promoter, Don King, white supremacist groups, black militant groups,and the media turned a fight into a race relations spectacle. Violent threats were made against both fighters. Because there hadn’t been a white heavyweight champion since 1960, Gerry Cooney was cast “The Great White Hope”. The ring was placed in the Caesar’s Palace parking lot so police snipers were placed on the rooftops of the surrounding hotels just in case.
“Are you crazy?” “Aw c’mon…Cooney knocks guys out with body shots!” “Holmes is too old!” “You obviously don’t know a damn thing about boxing.” Those were a few responses hurled my way, mostly from the adults. Then with a dismissive hand gesture “Dick” said, “You’re only rooting for him because he’s black.” I was the only black in attendance. I thought to myself, “He called me a racist!” Truth be told, I didn't even like Larry Holmes. I just knew he was a better fighter. Holmes won by TKO when Cooney’s corner threw in the towel in the 13th round. I raised my arms in triumph and went home.
It was in 1990 when I first heard that black people “can’t be racist”. A black co-worker said this out loud in a group of eight guys. This former crack addict claimed since blacks did not control the power structure, they could not be racist. Everyone else in the room was white. None of them challenged him. White condescension at its finest. I challenged his bogus premise and in so doing I was called a racist. I was also a racist for marrying a white woman (it's OK to sleep with them just don't marry them), and living in a place with no culture—the suburbs. Today I still live in a cultureless suburb while I’m sure he sleeps on someone else’s cultured couch.
In the late 90’s I found myself ranting about the people working in the Drive-Thru to take my order. It didn’t matter where I went—the person on the other side of the speaker could barely speak English but were very fluent en Espanol. A Mexican immigrant who worked for me said I was racist and hated Mexicans. A few weeks later he met Jesse (born Jesus south of the border), the best man at my wedding.
About two years ago I was discussing racism in the entertainment field with two black gentlemen I play basketball with on Saturdays. One is a writer who written a few movies and worked on several TV shows. The other is an editor for one of the biggest entertainment companies in existence. At that time, I worked for a company that aspired to be on the underbelly of entertainment. Both men complained about the lack of blacks in this part and that part of entertainment. The writer was always on a “black” show. He wanted a chance to write for the “Seinfelds” or “Everybody Loves Raymonds” but he was stuck writing for “The Parent Hoods” and “Moeshas”. I asked them, “Would you rather A) be “stuck” doing what you’re doing, or B) be the President of any African country where just about everyone around you is black?” They both chose A.
A week before the 2008 Presidential election, my editor friend got into it over who we were voting for. I was voting for John McCain. My friend said I was a racist and Uncle Tom because I didn’t want to see a black man in the White House. Not true. I didn’t want to see this black man in the White House. I felt Barack Obama’s politics would make him the only black man in the White House for generations. He would screw things up so bad the country would say, “We’ve tried that already and look what happened!” Thus far I feel completely justified in my vote.
Just last week California Rep. Diane Watson (D) said about the healthcare debate, “They are spreading fear and they are trying to see that the first president that looks likes me fails.” She continued, “People look at the United States as a country that has changed its way and elected someone from Kenya and Kansas, I’ll put it like that.” So…because I want President Obama’s left-wing policies to crash and burn I hate black people? OK then if these examples I’ve presented make me a racist then call me a racist. Someone get my hood....
Friday, August 28, 2009
Qaddafi to Qaddafodil to Qaddafi Again
During my teen years (late 70’s) thru my early twenties (early 80’s) it seemed that the Colonel (Qaddafi) was on TV almost as much as the other Colonel (Sanders). Qaddafi was almost always described as a Libyan “Strongman”, “Leader”, or “Colonel”. I asked one of my friends why he was just a colonel. My friend said, “So he could relate better with the average foot-soldier terrorist scumbag.”
Because The Great Ronald Wilson Reagan (my description) was in office, the press bathed Qadaffi in a romantically sympathetic light. NBC’s Saturday Night Live did a commercial called The Qaddafi Look as a spoof of The Jordache Look for Jordache Jeans. There was also a SNL news skit How Do You Spell Qaddafi? with lots of variant spellings. I thought Steven Bauer (the 80’s Josh Hartnett) should portray Qaddafi in a Showtime original movie. After the U.S. intercepted telex messages from Libya’s East Berlin embassy suggesting Libyan involvement in the April 5, 1986 bombing of West Berlin’s La Belle discotheque, The Great Reagan ordered bombings of Tripoli and Benghazi, Libya on Tax Day. How did we miss him? He had the biggest tent!
Had we gotten him perhaps Pan Am Flight 103 would have been spared in 1988.
During the 90’s and early 21st century he kind of disappeared because an even crazier Iraqi got our attention. Then it was Al Qaida and the Taliban. Then it was Saddam, Uday, and Qusay again. After Coalition Forces sent Uday and Qusay to see their 144 virgins and capture Saddam in his rat hole in 2003, Qaddafi announced that Libya had an active weapons of mass destruction program, but was willing to allow international inspectors into Libya to observe and dismantle them. He figured he was next. Better to cover his ass.
Fast forward to August 20, 2009: The Scottish Government releases Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence officer and only man convicted of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 because he has terminal prostate cancer under the banner of “compassion”. He was responsible for the deaths of 270 people. He served eleven days for each one of those deaths. Giving Megrahi drugs for the pain, extra pillows and blankets, or a cable TV with Cinemax in his cell would be plenty compassionate. But to release him was unconscionable. Megrahi returned to a hero’s welcome in his native Libya. President Obama called Megrahi’s release a “mistake”. Way to show outrage, Chief! Besides golf, logarithms, bagpipe music, and Sean Connery, what has Scotland contributed to the free world? The Scots are proof that Western Europe will need to be saved from their own stupidity by Eastern Europe in the years to come.
Now Qaddafi is back in the news again. What’s old is what’s new. Instead of his old military uniform, the Colonel dresses in civilian garb with a fez. He’s coming back to New York for the UN General Assembly in September. His people are trying to find a place for him to stay. He was planning to pitch a tent in the yard of a New Jersey residence owned by the Libyan goverrnment, but the locals got pissed. Wherever he ends up staying, I'm sure the media will have it as its lead story. Perhaps he can show up on SNL and yell, “Live from New York, It’s Saturday Night…!”
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Obama CIA Comics
I'll be posting an article about how ridiculous and dangerous the investigation into CIA "torture" is in the next few days (God forbid we tell a theorist we will kill his children if an attack in the U.S. happens again). Hopefully this is one more stupid move on Obama's part and one step closer to a 2012 exit. In the mean time enjoy these comics I found:
I like this one the best
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Global Warming (Half Man, Half Bear, Half Pig)
Al Gore says, “The world faces a true planetary emergency.” He knows what’s going on! He’s a modern day eco-messiah. He travels all over the world in a private jet to warn us of global warming. Why he even won an Oscar! Anyone who wins an Oscar must know what they’re talking about. Just ask fellow Oscar winner Michael Moore. If an Oscar isn’t enough to convince you, he was even awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!
The headlines seem to confer what Al is saying. In Africa drought continues for the 6th consecutive year. Record rains in parts of the U.S. and Japan cause some of the worst flooding in centuries. New England and Europe have recently experienced the mildest winters in anyone’s recollection. Climate change is real and it’s all documented in Time Magazine. We have messed up the environment and now we have to pay for it. Scientists have told us that we're heading into a new… ice age?? Huh? Yes, you just read that correctly. TIME MAGAZINE SAYS WE’RE HEADED INTO AN ICE AGE. Check it out for yourself. Pick up the Monday June 24th issue from 1974. It’s the truth. About thirty years ago everyone thought we had messed up the earth with careless emissions of burnt fossil fuels. Today the same fossil emissions that caused global cooling in 1974 are causing global warming in 2009!
The headlines seem to confer what Al is saying. In Africa drought continues for the 6th consecutive year. Record rains in parts of the U.S. and Japan cause some of the worst flooding in centuries. New England and Europe have recently experienced the mildest winters in anyone’s recollection. Climate change is real and it’s all documented in Time Magazine. We have messed up the environment and now we have to pay for it. Scientists have told us that we're heading into a new… ice age?? Huh? Yes, you just read that correctly. TIME MAGAZINE SAYS WE’RE HEADED INTO AN ICE AGE. Check it out for yourself. Pick up the Monday June 24th issue from 1974. It’s the truth. About thirty years ago everyone thought we had messed up the earth with careless emissions of burnt fossil fuels. Today the same fossil emissions that caused global cooling in 1974 are causing global warming in 2009!
John Coleman was the weatherman for Good Morning America during the 1970’s. He is best known though for being the founder of the Weather Channel and declaring that global warming is a scam. Yes, the founder of the Weather Channel says that global warming is a scam! What? That can’t be right, after all Super Al is flying all over the place trying to save us from certain catastrophe! It’s true that the earth is getting hotter. As a matter of fact, the earth’s solar activity is at an 8,000 year high currently. When you compare charts with solar activity and temperatures with those of Co2 emissions and temperatures, something really bizarre appears. Let’s take a look at them below:
Look at the chart with solar activity and you will see a very tight fit correlation with temperatures and solar activity. However, when you look at the chart with Co2 emissions you see temperatures dramatically deceasing in times of rapid increasing Co2 emissions. The Co2 chart looks bonkers compared to the solar activity temperatures. Ladies and gentlemen, global warming is indeed a scam. THE SOLAR CYCLES ARE IN CONCERT WITH RISING AND FALLING TEMPERATURES. THE BURNING OF FOSSIL FUELS DOESN’T HAVE A THING TO DO WITH IT!
John Charles is the president of the Cascade Institute. For 17 years he was the executive director of the Oregon Environmental Counsel. He does not see the reason to demonize carbon. “Carbon Dioxide is an essential element in the earth’s climate control system, and if we didn’t have it, it would be too cold for humanity to be here.” What you would guess man’s percentage of total annual Co2 emissions is? 90%? 70%? If that’s what you’re thinking (and I admit before I was enlightened I probably though somewhere around there) you are way way way off. Per year, the percentage of Co2 emissions from man only accounts for 3% of total Co2 emissions! 97% of all Co2 emissions from around the world come from natural sources. The biggest culprits of Co2 emissions are decaying plants, volcanoes, and forest fires. Humans shouldn’t be protesting other humans. They should start protesting dying plants and volcanoes. They are the real earth killers! Why we should pass a cap and trade tax on volcanoes. Sorry Hawaii, you’re going to have to invest in volcanic Co2 emissions reducing technology or face some heavy taxes that we will give over to Al Gore in carbon credits. Super Al to the rescue!
Super Al to the Rescue!
In 2006, public records were legally released detailing Al Gore’s electrical usage. It turns out Al Gore uses 20x the amount of electricity than an average American uses. Say it aint so Al! L Al Gore, the greatest environmental hero, is an energy hog. In 2006 AL Gore’s 20 room mansion used over 191,000 kilowatts compared to 11,000 kilowatts of the average American home. Every month Al Gore uses more electrify than the average person uses in 17 months. So he’s obviously not as worried as he says we should be. Gore’s people didn’t deny the repost and insisted he was in the process of installing solar panels and that recently he had replaced some of his incandescent bulbs with some florescent ones. What a martyr!! He also buys carbon credits but he owns the company he buys them from. Gore pays himself to make up the damage he’s admitted he does to the environment. Al Gore started the private company in 2004, 2 years before his movie came out. So Al Gore makes money through his company when people buy carbon credits. For environmentalists, the environment is a religion and Al Gore is a prophet. In exposing Al Gore’s home energy bills we have attacked their prophet. For some of the poorest people on the planet our being green can affect their survival. How? Al Gore and his green followers are trying to pass new regulations in carbon taxes that will end up raising the global cost of fuel. Fuel the world’s poor need to cook or pump water. Fuel to get their goods to market or their kids to school or to a doctor. “When you talk about raising the price of energy to them, you are going to kill people. Just like the environmentally induced ban of DDT resulted in 10’s of millions of death.
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